var1=0 var2=$0 if [ $var1 > $var2 ]; then echo "true" else echo "false" fi
I had actually made two mistakes. First, I meant for var2 to have a value of $?, which is the exit value of the last command and not the path of the script itself, which is what $0 evaluates to. Second, I used the > operator instead of -gt as required by BASH. So what the if statement ended up doing was redirect /dev/null into the file containing my script! After running this code, your script self-destructs into a 0-byte file. I was particularly annoyed because writing a decent-sized BASH script is a meticulous process and one that I'm obviously not expert at, and so I was looking at a good half-hour of lost work.
Arcane UNIX nonsense had gotten me into this mess, I figured it could get me out as well. My file was very likely still sitting on some sector somewhere on the disk. I knew my script contained the word "COLLECTD_SOCKET" which wasn't likely to appear anywhere else on the drive. So I unmounted the filesystem (on device /dev/sdf) and ran the following command:
grep -A40 -B10 COLLECTD_SOCKET /dev/sdf
What this does is search the raw contents of the entire drive at the device level for the term "COLLECTD_SOCKET" and print the 10 lines before the match and 40 lines after the match. It took a little while (as you'd expect for reading the whole device) but I found a number of old versions of the script I was working on, including the version just before by bug caused it to self-destruct.
I guess the lesson here is that UNIX gives you lots of ammunition to shoot yourself with, but it also gives you plenty of gauze to help you heal yourself as well.